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Why Sweating is so Important

Updated on January 28, 2015

Sweating 101

Sweating is a natural and healthy process. One of the main reasons for perspiration is the regulation of body temperature and detoxification process. Only through the evaporation of sweat on the body surface temperature regulation of the human organism is at all possible. In addition, the water-binding capacity of the skin is stabilized by certain ingredients in sweat. In addition, sweat encourages the proliferation of sebum, making the skin nice and supple. Sweat even plays a role when choosing a partner. The body's own pheromones (sexual) hormones act as a sexual attractant. The saying (can not stand him or her) comes from the fact that we have developed an unconscious sympathy or antipathy based on the body odor. This is the signaling effect. However, this should not be an invitation to stop showering to let thedeodorant collect dust. On the contrary, body care is important for our personal well-being and that of the people around us.

The sweat glands

The human body has approximately 4 million sweat glands distributed all over the body. Without any special efforts we secrete around 100 to 200 ml of sweat. Physical activity of course increases that number significantly.

There are two types of sweat glands: the endocrine sweat glands, which are distributed all over the body, producing an odorless and colorless secretion. They are mainly responsible for heat regulation of the organism. The exocrine glands, on the other hand, are those that are located in the hairy area of ​​the body, such as the armpits, in the pubic area and on the nipples. They give off scents that are, along with the sebaceous glands, responsible for the body odor and the aforementioned sexual behavior. Fresh sweat is odorless, but when it comes in contact with the skin’s own bacteria, develops a certain unpleasant smell.

Excessive sweating

Profuse sweating can have various causes. For example, menopause can cause profuse sweatings, a symptom of declining estrogen levels. Also, certain diseases, fever and drugs can cause increased sweating.

A small percentage of people sweat so much that it can be linked to a condition known as hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is the paroxysmal secretion of large amounts of perspiration, restricing and minimizing the quality of life. Hyperhidrosis may be inherited or acquired by disease. The heavy sweating occur mainly in the armpits and on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Depending on the severity it is treated with antiperspirants, mineral-based deodorants or synthetic agents. In severe cases, axillary botox injections or surgical removal of the sweat glands can help.

Excessive sweating can be embarrassing. If you suffer from excessive perspiration, you should first check your own personal hygiene, your eating habits and the type of clothes you wear before taking any further actions. A small adjustment might be all it needs.

The right clothes and smart food choices can make a difference. If you sweat heavily, it is advisable to switch from synthetic clothes to cotton fabrics, linen or silk. These materials sllow the skin to breathe and regulate natural transpiration. The release of excessive transpiration can also be affected by our diet. An unhealthy, inbalanced diet, spicy foods, lots of garlic and onions, excessive coffee consumption, nicotine and alcohol can affect our body odor.

Sweating during athletic activity

Anyone who enjoys sports knows the negative effects of sweating . This plays a significant role, especially if the athletic activity takes place inside. The smelly guy on the treadmill right next to you can really get on your nerves, right ? Nevertheless, even the positive aspects of transpiration are known to athletes. Many people do feel liberated thanks to exercise and the process of sweating. Last, nut not least, how wonderful it is to finally shower off the sweat.

But beware, it is not advisable to immediately jump into a cold shower. Cold water on heated skin may overwhelm the circulation and metabolism and cause further sweating. It is better to cool down slowly, and then stimulate the circulation with an alternating shower. The choice of shower prodcuts play an important role in the health of our skin. Products with natural herbal extracts protect the skin, smell good and leave a fresh feeling. An important aspect to consider for the prevention of body odor is the use of a deodorant that corresponds to your skin type and how much you sweat. Be aware though that only freshly cleaned skin benefits from the preventive effects of deodorants.

Which deodorant works best?

For a person with average perspiration, a normal deodorant, which inhibits the development of body odor without affecting the function of skin, might just be enough. Unfortunately, almost all deodorants or antiperspirants contain substances such as aluminum hydroxide constricting or blocking the sweat glands completely. It is believed that aluminum hydroxide can have a negative effect on our health over the long run. Luckily, there are alternative deodorants without aluminum that will provide a good amount of protection without clogging pores or inhibiting the skin’s natural functions. Those deodorants might not be available at the grocery store but alternative health food stores or the internet should be able to accomodate you.


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